Women’s and Gender Studies at Providence College

Women’s and Gender Studies at Providence College
Women’s and Gender Studies is an innovative, interdisciplinary, and cutting-edge field. Women’s and Gender Studies students explore women’s issues, experiences, knowledges, and contributions, and investigate gender as a critical category of analysis, through immersion in the disciplines of social science, health science, natural science, business, the humanities, and the arts. Women’s and Gender Studies centers an intersectional approach to knowledge building: students develop and apply the intersecting lenses of race, class, gender, sexuality, culture, ethnicity, nationality, age, and ability to their study of historical, national, and global realities.
The WGS Major and Minor Offer Breadth, Depth, and Flexibility
The interdisciplinarity of Women’s and Gender Studies informs the depth, breadth, and rigor of the Women’s and Gender Studies major and minor and provides a flexible framework for double majoring and double minoring. Women’s and Gender Studies majors and minors can double major or double minor in everything from psychology, political science, or sociology, to health sciences, health policy and management, or biology, to marketing, management, finance, or accounting, to Black Studies, American Studies, history, or English, to art history, studio art, or theater, dance and film, and more.
The WGS Major and Minor Prepare Students for Success in Multiple Fields
The Women’s and Gender Studies major and minor prepares students for excellence and success in a broad array of graduate schools and professional fields, inclusive of law, health and medicine, social work, journalism, education and higher education, the arts, academia, business, and the non-profit sector.
Bachelor of Arts in Women’s and Gender Studies
The major requires the completion of 10 women’s and gender studies courses, inclusive of Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies, Senior Capstone Seminar, and eight electives distributed across the social and natural sciences, the humanities, and the arts. The program of study is innovative and interdisciplinary, with a focus on analyzing the lives, achievements, and experiences of women (past and present) across the academic disciplines. There is also a strong focus on the diversity of women’s experiences across age, race, ethnic groups, social class, and physical condition. The program is committed to empowering students to be active learners and independent thinkers, and courses are designed to encourage reflection, challenge existing viewpoints, and develop critical thinking.
The minor requires the completion of six women’s and gender studies courses, including Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies and five elective courses distributed across the social sciences and the humanities. Recent graduates of PC’s Women’s and Gender Studies Program have gone on to careers and graduate study in fields as diverse as global and national health and health services, science and technology, creative writing and publishing, business, marketing, the non-profit sector, governmental policy, law, philanthropy, counseling and psychology, secondary education, and higher education and academia.

Intern at a women- and gender-centered local community organization

Participate in the many department-sponsored events on campus each year

Build cross-cultural competencies by studying abroad
Our faculty are passionate teachers, committed to working closely with students and to supporting them in the process of identifying and achieving their goals, both inside and outside of the classroom, and frequently present their research and literary and artistic work at national and international conferences, including the annual meetings of the National Women’s Studies Association.
Resource Organizations
of 2019-2023 interdisciplinary program graduates are employed and/or attending graduate school
are employed only
are attending school only
are employed and attending school
Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.
Selected Places of Employment/Service
Boston Scientific
Chisholm, Chisholm, & Kilpatrick
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Connecticut Community Care
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Foxcroft Collection
Integra Advisors
The Key Program, Inc
Moda Operandi, Inc
Pierce Davis & Perritano LLP
Proven Behavior Solutions, LLC
Providence College
Wellington Management
Selected Graduate Schools
Boston University
Hult International Business School
New York University Tisch
Northeastern University
Parsons School of Design | The New School
Providence College
Quinnipiac School of Law
Syracuse University
Katie Weeks
Women’s and Gender Studies Administrative Coordinator
Library LL 12